a la eminger... courtesy of foodporn (aka foodtv)

I saw it on foodporn, and I had to try it. Eminger Berries down south somewhere does an amazingly scrumptious version of a chocolate covered strawberry. Chocolate and strawberries... not new. Strawberries and cheesecake... definitely not new. Throw all three together, and you've got everyone lining up at your door begging for more.

cheesecake stuffed strawberries

Freshly baked cheesecake, mushed into a paste of sorts
Dark chocolate, melted

1. Cut the ends off the strawberries.
2. Take a small ball of the cheesecake mush and mold it to the end of a strawberry.
3. Shape cheesecake using the palm of your hand.
4. Dip strawberry in chocolate.

Easy peesy, no?

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